Ayurveda – The Complete Therapy For Body and Mind


Best Ayurvedic Treatments Kerala

Ayurveda, the oldest healing science wasn’t familiar to the world. Ayurveda is originated from ancient India. The people of India practiced and followed Ayurvedic treatments and therapies. The name Ayurveda has two words in it. First one ‘Ayu’ which means lifespan and the second term ‘veda’ which means knowledge. It is said that God shared the knowledge of medicines to sages of India. Sages wrote Vedas and it contains topics about health and herbs to cure diseases. There are 4 Vedas and they are Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. Ayurveda is a part of Atharva Veda.

Ayurveda has no side effects. Different medicinal herbs are used to cure diseases. And the use of Ayurveda increased widely. Through Ayurvedic treatments, the mind and body become relaxed and healthy. It helps to maintain a balance in our body and mind. People around the world who know the magical benefit of Ayurveda come to India for Ayurvedic treatments and therapies.

Ayurvedam In Kerala

Ayurvedic treatments and therapies are exercised in different parts of India. Kerala is top in that because Kerala is the home of Ayurveda. Kerala is rich in natural herbs and rare medicinal plants. The climate and natural beauty of Kerala are perfect for holistic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies. People around the world come to Kerala to enjoy the natural beauty and to regenerate their mind and body through Ayurveda through Kerala tour packages

In Kerala, there are a lot of professionally qualified and experienced doctors who have great knowledge in Ayurvedic treatment and therapies. There are eight branches in Ayurveda. They are:

• Kaya Chikitsa – General Medicine
• Bala Roga Chikitsa – Paediatrics
• Graha Chikitsa – Treatment for evil spirits
• Urdwanga tantra – E.N.T & Ophthalmology
• Shalya Chikitsa – Surgery
• Visha Chikitsa – Toxicology
• Rasayana Chikitsa – Rejuvenation Therapy
• Vajeekarana Chikitsa – Aphrodisiacs

Let's have a look at popular Ayurvedic treatments in Kerala


In Thalam treatment the medicinal oils are applied to the forehead and it kept for 20 to 40 minutes. This treatment will cure headaches, anxieties, hypertension,  insomnia etc. It also helps to prevent greying of hairs because it contains many medicinal herbs. 


We have a third eye that is located at the center of the forehead. The term 'Shir' refers to this point. The herbal oil prepared by experienced experts pour into this center part of forehead slowly. This special medicinal herbal oil has properties like healing power and calming properties. This treatment can calm the body and all kinds of headaches will be healed. The third eye, the center of the forehead is a special portion and Shirodhara is good and best for the entire body.


The Elakizhi treatment is best for people who suffer from joint issues, muscle cramps, stress, arthritis, and nervous system. The leaves which have medicinal effects are used for this. The term 'Ela' means leaves and 'Kizhi' means bolus. The warm bolus is applied to the body in different postures. The benefits of Elakizhi is it increases blood circulation, muscle strength relieves from body pain etc. 


This treatment is done for the alignment of spin and head. Cotton wool or sponge is soaked in medicated oil and applied to the affected body area. The Pichu treatment is beneficial for spinal and nervous problems, prevent chronic headaches, neutralize hallucinations etc.


Tharpanam treatment is for people who suffer eye problems. An Ayurvedic leaf paste is used to make a boundary around the eyes and medicated oil is poured into the closed eyes. This treatment will give a cooling effect to the eyes and you get relieves from eye problems like stressed eyes, this treatment can reduce puffiness, reduces headaches, strengthen optic tissues etc.


Vasthi is one of the popular Ayurvedic treatment in Kerala. Here above the affected area, a boundary is created using a bundle of cotton clothes and medicated warm oil is gently poured to it. This herbal oil has the power to penetrate into the vertebrae and strengthen and lubricate the muscles. There are 3 types of Vasthi treatments. They are: Kativasthi (Lower Back Vasthi), Greevavasthi (Neck Vasthi), Shirovasthi (Head Vasthi), Urovasthi (Chest Vasthi), Kashayavasthi (Herbal Decoction Enema), and Snehavasthi (Herbal Decoction Enema)


Udwarthanam treatment is for the person who suffers from rheumatic ailments, paralysis, and other issues. This deep tissue massage is done by using herbal powders. The herbal powder is rubbed forcibly on the body. The benefits of this treatment are: improves the mobility of joints, strengthen joints, improve circulations and many more.


In this treatment medicated oil is poured in through the nostrils. Nasyam treatment is for preventing problems in the nasal cavity and the respiratory zones. We know nose is the main way to the head of the human body. By Nasyam treatment the toxins in the head, neck, eyes, nose, throat can be removed. The types of Nasyam treatment are Pradhamana Nasya, Brumhana Nasya, Shamana Nasya, Navana Nasya, Marshya Nasya, and Pratimarshya. 


The person who has pain associated with the inflammatory condition can have this Lepanam treatment. The herbal liquids and medicines are mixed to form a paste and this paste is applied to the body part which has pain issues. This paste rejuvenates blood circulation and people will get relief from pain.  The benefits of Lepam treatment is cure from Psoriasis, Eczema, inflammatory diseases etc. 


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